Benjamin Trayne

Benjamin Trayne

Saturday, April 25, 2020


Too Dumb to be Civil

      As I write this, it is just five days from the end of April, 2020. I might have said “in the year of our Lord 2020,” but for certain that would piss someone off, in fact, a lot of someones. Fact of the matter is, that’s far too easy to do. No one, but no one is willing to let anyone else think what they actually think, and no one really thinks for themselves any more. It’s a sad, sad situation.

      Also as I write, the economies of nations around the world have actually been to no small degree, shut down over a virus. Over what? That’s what I said.

      I should say, right from the start to all world leaders, thank you very much. You have bought me some time. I am one of those who will probably die when I do contract it, and that is a fairly certain probability. Why? Because you can’t stop it. Sure, in a year you may come up with the vaccine that will immunize a portion of the world’s this particular strain. Of course, as this particular virus has been shown, like most other viruses to be mutating, it will quite likely be a Pyrrhic victory. From Wikipedia: “A Pyrrhic victory is a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat.”

      The really horrible thing about that is, it could actually be solved, truly defeated if only the nations of the world could be civil. You know, like individuals could be, but usually are not.

      But alas, it would be difficult for the same world leaders to facilitate the actual changes that would have to be made. Doing so would be inconvenient, even though intelligent. Those changes might be a potential threat to their power and control, there it is. So it isn’t just that they are too dumb to be civil with other nations, it’s a threat to their honor, to their perceived ability to lead effectively. You understand, ‘what would I actually gain by helping anyone else?’

      This entire thing is not really attributable to one nation or to one facility, or to one market in a single nation. Sure, we have a pretty good idea where it came from. I’m not speaking of from whence it came or how it arose, because it did. Unfortunately, it’s so ridiculous it’s almost amusing; we do not take it seriously when science advises us that odds very much dictate that a near-earth object will certainly strike the planet and end most life on earth. We do not take it seriously when all scientific evidence clearly displays massive and devastating climate change that will doubtless destroy the food supply over time, or when it is pointed out by science that species are being extincted at an alarming rate, indicating that life in general upon this planet is in a general downward spiral. In each and every case there is a way out; but nothing at all will happen to fix anything, until certain people and organizations see there is money to be made if they address it.

      At this point in time, had science been funded properly, we would know just how to protect our planet from most, if not all outside influences. We would already have renewable non-polluting energy sources, whether from controlled fusion or from something else. And we would fully understand the relationship between viruses and the life they affect, allowing quick response and immediate control. Once, in a letter, I advised the current President of the United States, just a remote squeaky voice from a common citizen, that science could not be over-funded. Of course the chances are extremely slim-to-none that he ever even saw it. Someone may have, the letter was probably destroyed by a sorter, end of story. But I felt the need to say it, so I did.

      So here we all are now, facing death. Oh sure, most people who actually contract this virus will survive it. Long-term effects on health are certainly unknown, that’s a story for later, for someone. So if it’s actually not such a big deal, why can I be arrested if I violate the stay-at-home order in my home state? Why must I wear a surgical mask, or some semblance thereof, to purchase food? Why am I legally prevented from associating with anyone? The big question, why is the entire world willing to shut down the businesses, industries and even food-producing infrastructure to prevent its spread? No one is developing any immunity, except those who contract it and survive it. And believe me, few if any of our leaders worldwide actually care if you, personally, live or die. It’s really, truly, all about power, acquisition of it or retention of it. No one wants to be legitimately responsible for deaths in their populace. And that’s it. That’s all.

      Now we come, at last, to my opinion, and I freely admit it’s a pipe dream, because no one actually cares what I think, or what you think, for that matter. Every one of our world leaders needs to be replaced, and every replacement should be a person, man or woman or whatever, who has dedicated his life to science. The money being wasted currently to support those who were put out of work should then flow, at long last, to laboratories and research facilities worldwide. The underlying objective of all scientific organizations should be, as it always and always should have been, cooperation for the purpose of discovery.

      Then, and only then will humanity stand at least a chance of survival in the longer term.

      But you know what? We’re screwed. Because leaders and individuals alike have one characteristic in common.

      See the title of this piece.

Permission is given by the writer to re-publish and re-use this piece in its entirety and without modification.

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